Pre-Licence Inspection Criteria

Once you have submitted all the requisite documentation and your application has been processed a determination will be made as to whether the applicant has passed the fit and proper test for a licence.  If it has, the application will progress to the next phase of the review process where a pre-licence inspection will take place.

Below are the criteria for this phase of the review process, which is determined by the type of licence.

Cultivator’s Licence

  1. As regards the cultivation site used to cultivate ganja, the following are required;
    1. Off-site surveillance of the proposed cultivation site, whether by electronic means of otherwise
    2. Site cannot be situated within one hundred and eighty two metres of any school.
    3. Site must have defined boundaries and ownership clearly established
    4. Use of the site for cultivation cannot be inconsistent with the Natural Resource Conservation Authority Act or any action taken by the National Environmental Planning Agency
  2. If cultivation is being done on a site greater than 1 acre (i.e. Tier 2 and 3), the Authority must be provided with a draft security contract that includes provisions for:
    1. Off-site web enabled electronic surveillance;
    2. Regular physical inspections and written reports thereon; and
    3. A panic alarm system tied to a base operation that is operated

by a security company that is included on a list of approved security companies published by the Authority.

  1. A proposal for the implementation of a system to monitor, track and trace all ganja cultivated on the cultivation site
  2. Prior to the issuance of a licence, the cultivation site shall be inspected by an authorized individual and the following shall take place –
    1. Photos shall be taken of the site;
    2. The site shall be traversed to establish boundaries;
    3. The site must have the ability to be secured and have sufficient parking for vehicles to park and for the purpose of loading ganja
    4. The site must be accessible by road
    5. The site must have an area for each aspect of the cultivation process [plant nursery, planting area, drying area]

Processor’s Licence

  1. The Applicant must:
    1. Satisfy all requirements under the Food and Drugs Act and the Standards Act
    2. Be registered with the Bureaus of Standards, the Ministry responsible for Heath and the Ministry responsible for Labour
    3. Use of the site for cultivation cannot be inconsistent with the Natural Resource Conservation Authority Act or any action taken by the National Environmental Planning Agency
  2. The site must possess:
    1. A secure area for receiving ganja
    2. An electronic surveillance system for off-site monitoring, which captures all access points to the premises,
    3. An enclosed building that has:
      1. Clearly defined areas for receiving, storing, and processing ganja
      2. Entrances and exits that are the subject of strict access control systems and monitoring procedures
      3. A logged access control system which includes additional security mechanism for areas designated for storage of ganja and access to those storage areas is limited to the smallest number of persons
      4. Adequately staffed designated security posts.

Transportation Licence

  1. Proof that the applicant owns the vehicle or proof that the applicant has the written agreement of the owner of the vehicle to transport ganja
  2. Proof of valid registration as a commercial vehicle and motor vehicle fitness
  3. Proof of valid carrier’s insurance at such minimum value so as to be fixed by the Authority by notice in writing from time to time
  4. The vehicle to be used must be licenced and fit for the purpose of transporting ganja, i.e. properly ventilated and equipped so as to allow tracking by a Global Positioning System

Retail Licence

  1. The location must be inspected to verify that those premises are physically secure and otherwise fit for the purposes of the licence
  2. The location must possess:
    1. A clearly designated area for receiving, storing and processing ganja,
    2. Strict systems limiting access to ganja on the premises so as to ensure compliance with the Regulations
    3. Camera systems in place to monitor all activities on the premises with respect to the handling of ganja
    4. In the case of a herb house license, adequate ventilation

Research and Development Licence

  1. The Authority must satisfy itself that the Applicant is duly qualified to provide the requisite analytical services the Applicant proposes to perform
  2. The Authority must also satisfy itself that the Applicant is duly qualified to provide the proposed research and development the Applicant proposes to perform

4th Floor, Pan Jam Building,
60 Knutsford Boulevard
Kingston 5, Jamaica W.I.

[email protected]


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